Dive into Assembly Optimisation for Multiplication

Posted on Sat 16 October 2021 in Post • Tagged with Assembly, Hardware

This is a bit of research into how multiplying a variable and a constant integer is compiled into assembly x86 instructions. We will look at how the instruction set changes as the constant integer changes.

Setup and Scripts

We start with a mulk.c file which contains a function that …

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Co-operation Between AI and Neuroscience Research, and Future Problems

Posted on Mon 01 June 2020 in Post • Tagged with Artificial Intelligence, Neuroscience

Based on an article published in 'Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience' May 6 2020

Development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has heavily utilised research done in neuroscience. Neural Networks are a prime example of biological neuroscience research models of neurons being transferred into AI research and development. AI has also aided neuroscience …

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Encrypting Files and Not Trusting Cloud Storage Providers

Posted on Thu 28 May 2020 in Post • Tagged with Cryptography

Based on 2003 paper from HP Labs and published in FAST

How can we make full use of cloud storage providers and online file sharing, while also protecting our data when we can't trust the big companies providing the cloud storage? The answer is end-to-end encryption and forced no-knowledge storage …

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Unexpected Security Flaws in the use of Diffie-Hellman

Posted on Mon 25 May 2020 in Post • Tagged with Cryptography, Cybersecurity

The miraculous Diffie-Hellman key exchange

Published in 1976, the Diffie-Hellman key exchange demonstrated a method for two parties to generate a shared secret key across a public network where anyone eavesdropping on the entire exchange will have trouble learning the shared secret. The whole exchange can be achieved in 3 …

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Privacy and a New "Paradoxical" Solution to Digital Signature Security

Posted on Sun 17 May 2020 in Post • Tagged with Cryptography, Cybersecurity

Based on the paper "A “Paradoxical” Solution to the Signature Problem" by researchers at MIT.
See references for more information

It is impossible to live an efficient life in the technology space without having data stored online in cloud services, email accounts or even online bank accounts. The internet makes …

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Emotional Artificial Intelligence by Simulating Neurotransmitters in the Brain

Posted on Thu 07 May 2020 in Post • Tagged with Artificial Intelligence, Neuroscience, Voice Assistant

Based on a paper from Kazan Federal University, Russia

Emotional Model: Lovheim cube and Tomkins

While there is no perfect and agreed upon model of human emotions, a very promising and simple enough to implement model is Lovheim's cube of emotions. The cube explains 8 of the 9 emotional states …

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Machine Learning CNN to Interpret Brain Signals

Posted on Sun 03 May 2020 in Post • Tagged with BCI, CNN, Machine Learning, Neuroscience

Why Machine Learning can be Effective at Reading the Brain

Machine learning has the unique capability to recognise patterns and structures. With this, machine learning has been extremely effective in image & video processing to detect patterns and structures, such as objects or people's faces. As machine learning is developed from …

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Using Type Systems for Taint Analysis for Android Apps

Posted on Tue 28 April 2020 in Post • Tagged with Android, Taint Analysis, Type System

What is Taint Analysis?

Taint analysis is the process of detecting applications which collect users' sensitive information and leaks them to external sources, regardless of if the application developers did this maliciously or accidentally. The two methods for doing this analysis is dynamic and static, where dynamic is done by …

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